Wanted: Your Pictures!

Activity season is upon us, and with that comes ample opportunity to take out our phones, I mean cameras, and get some great photos.  BARC has established a public photo sharing group on Flickr that is available for anyone to view at this address:


We invite you to join our group and submit your photos of various club activities.  Heck, you can even share photos of your shack or other amateur radio related things.  In order to participate, you will need a Yahoo! account (which a lot of folks already have).  Once you are logged-in to Flickr, if you point your browser to the link above to view our group page you will see a “+ Join Group” button next to the group name (you can’t miss it).  Simply click the button and follow the instructions to join (if you don’t have an account or are not logged in you will be prompted to create an account or login accordingly).

There is no approval process, anyone can join.  However, photos that you submit from your personal Flickr account to the BARC group will need to be approved by a moderator before they become publicly visible (to keep out spammers, or content that may not be appropriate for the BARC group).

The more participation, the greater the photo gallery will become for all of those interested.  If you have questions or need help getting things setup, please feel free to contact me at k7ctc@icloud.com.  If you have pictures you would like to share but do not want to use Flickr, contact me and we can make separate arrangements.

Thank you for your amateur radio pictures!

-Chris (K7CTC)