Conducting amateur radio nets is a longstanding tradition within the hobby.  You can think of a net as an on-the-air meeting where hams gather on a specific frequency at a scheduled time.  Generally, an organized net serves a specific purpose that can range anywhere from casual conversation to formal passing of emergency traffic.  Nets offer a good opportunity to test and become familiar with your radio equipment as well as send and/or receive important information.  We invite you to join us in this activity by checking in to our local nets.


BARC NET online roster can be found here 

The Bridgerland Amateur Radio Club Net is held every Tuesday at 9:00 PM local time on the BARC Linked Repeater System.  All amateurs are invited to check in.  If you are not already on the net roster, there will be an opportunity to check in after roll call.  You will be placed on roll after repeated check ins.  The BARC net is used for passing of information traffic (announcements), training, asking questions and listing items for sale.

We utilize the real-time collaboration functionality of Google Sheets to call the net and maintain the net roster.  This information is kept in the form of a publicly viewable spreadsheet.  Click here to view the current BARC Net roster.

BARC Ladies Net

The BARC Ladies Net is held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8:00 PM on the BARC Linked Repeater System.  All licensed lady amateur radio operators are encouraged and welcome to check in.  While this is a ladies only activity, all are welcome to listen in and can benefit from the training topics discussed.  To learn more about the Ladies Net, please contact Olivia Peterson (N7ODP) at

Cache County ARES Net

The Cache County ARES Net is held monthly on the 1st Tuesday @ 8:00 PM on the BARC Linked Repeater System.  The primary focus of this net is of course Amateur Radio Emergency Service dealing with emergency communications topics.  The net is also beneficial to those who may not be able to make it to the in person ARES meetings as it provides additional opportunity to stay current with matters pertaining to Cache County ARES.

In April 2017, a decision was made by NCS and net participants to change the name and focus of the net from the Winlink Net to the ARES net.  Installation, use and general familiarity with the Winlink software is still encouraged as this is a great emergency communications resource in addition to being utilized for public service activities.  Click here to view the current Cache ARES Net Roster


The purpose of these statewide Utah RACES radio nets is to train RACES volunteers to operate and test State, County, and Local Government EOC Emergency Communications, test the RACES volunteer’s radio equipment, link stations, EOCs, Agencies, etc. and improve communication between the State Capitol and the remainder of the State.


The VHF/UHF/VoIP Nets are conducted on the third Thursday of even numbered months from 8:00 until 9:00 PM. The frequencies of the VHF/UHF/VoIP RACES Net vary depending on what part of Utah you live in. Repeaters in Cache County, Davis County, Iron County, and Washington County as well as the Snowbird Linked Repeater System, the Sinbad Linked Repeater System and the Skyline Linked Repeater System are all linked permanently or temporarily to the IRLP Western Reflector Channel 9257 by their system operators. The EchoLink VoIP resource SINBAD Conference Server is also available during the net.
Please make sure that whatever repeater you use for the net is connected to the Western Reflector channel 9257 or connect by EchoLink using the SINBAD Conference Server. In Cache Valley most people should be able to check in using the Pisgah Intertie Repeater it is on the same peak as the TV Translators near the Summit in Sardine Canyon. 449.650- PL 100 Hz.


The HF Nets are conducted on the third Saturday of odd numbered months at 8:00 AM on 3920Khz LSB. +/- QRM. Only Amateur General Class licensees or above or those lesser class licensees in the presence of a control operator that has an Amateur General Class license or above and registered with Utah RACES, are authorized to transmit on this Net.

Northern Utah Technical Society (NUTS) D-Star Net

The Northern Utah Technical Society (NUTS) D-Star Net is held every Sunday evening at 8:00 PM local time.  It is held on the 449.575 – NU7TS B, 447.975 – AC7O – B, 145.150 AC7O-C, or 447.925 N7RDS-B repeaters and the D-Star reflector 029C.  Local radios in Cache Valley can connect to NU7TS B, AC7O B or a local hotspot.  Others may link to reflector 029C via repeaters or link in via hotspots or DV-Dongles.  Several D-Star repeaters and hotspots are linked most of the time to reflector 029C so they may already be connected.  This is a very informal net so please check in and ask questions. D-Star Net Roster

2 Meter Single Sideband (SSB) Net

A 2 meter single sideband net is held each Thursday at 9:00 PM on 144.200 MHz Upper Sideband (USB).  This is an informal net, check in for discussions about equipment, other topics that you might have, or just listen in. View along while the net is going or see if you got logged in. 2 Meter SSB Net Roster. There is a a Email Reflector group on at If you want to ask questions or have comments about 2 Meter Single Sideband.

Logan Bishop’s Storehouse ERC Net

The Logan Storehouse ERC Net is held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 8:30 p.m. on 146.420 MHz simplex.  We invite all Stake and Ward ERC specialists to check in during roll call, as well as any visitors or new radio operators acting as ERC specialists.
Training topics and other miscellaneous items are available by clicking on the description to the right.
Thank you for your participation and willingness to be prepared and help during an emergency.


Richmond Emergency Response Net

The Richmond ERC Net is held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. on 146.58 MHz simplex.  We invite all Stake and Ward ERC specialists to check in during roll call, as well as any visitors or new radio operators acting as ERC specialists, or any other interested licensed ham radio operators.  Thank you for your participation and willingness to be prepared and help during an emergency.

Richmond GMRS Net

The Richmond GMRS net is held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8:30 PM on the Richmond GMRS repeater, GMRS repeater #22 with a tone of 103.5.  All licensed GMRS operators are invited to check in to this net.

Beehive Utah Net

The daily Beehive Utah Net is comprised of a dedicated group of Amateur Radio Operators that meet daily for the Public Service function of handling message traffic within the National Traffic System.  This net is held daily at 12:30 PM local time on 7.272 MHz  Visitors are always welcome.


A Daily HF Net.  The FARM Net meets daily on 3937 kc at 0200 UTC.
UTC. All amateurs are welcome to join. A station may get on the roll by checking in at least 5 times in a 30 day period and to remain on the roll, a station must check in at least 5 times in a calendar month.

The FARM Net began in the summer of 1945 and currently has over 200 members. Many of our members have been checking into the Net for more than forty years.

We welcome all amateurs with a General Class or higher license to check in and encourage them to join and participate in the net.

We are here to serve our community in any capacity we can. On a daily basis we do our best to carry the original message and live up the name of the “Friendly Armature Radio Mission Net”. 73!