ARRL Field Day is an annual amateur radio exercise, encouraging emergency communications preparedness among amateur radio operators. It is typically the largest single emergency preparedness exercise in the country, with over 35,000 operators participating each year.
Field Day is part educational event, part operating event, part public relations event. But most of all, we have a fun and enjoyable time operating the radios. Anyone can attend and participate, licensed or not, club member or not.
You can operate a radio (with a control operator present) in making contacts to other amateur radio operators, help with logging the radio contacts on a computer, or just watch and listen to a Field Day event. We use this opportunity to let everyone experience operating on an HF radio. We are planning to have several radios setup, including one radio for digital mode (PSK, RTTY) and one for Morse Code (CW).
Please Fill Out this Form if you plan to come.
Field Day is always held on the fourth full weekend in June, which for 2025 will be June 28th & 29th. The on-air informal contest portion of the event has a 24 hour duration (from 1800 UTC Saturday to 1800 UTC Sunday).
Our Field Day location will be at a different Location than in years past, We will be going to the Fair Grounds in Lewiston, Utah. Click here for a map to the BARC Field Day site.
The area is open camping so there will be a few of us that will go up early in the week to Camp and relax and have fun on the radios. There will be plenty of space for camping, so bring your camper and tent. There is a $10.00 charge for each tent or camper per night. Those that can, arrive early during the week for some radio camping. We will have a radio set up during the week to use so we can enjoy the airwaves . Come and enjoy the outdoors, play on some radios, we will be setting up a couple of antennas and testing them. If you have a radio or an antenna you want to try out, you can bring it up and we can put it on the air, either before or during Field Day.
Talk-In Frequencies
The BARC Linked Repeater System will be utilized for communications to/from the Field Day site. While at the Field Day site, your best bet is to use the Red Spur repeater (145.310- 103.5Hz) to get into the system. On-site simplex frequency 147.52 MHz. During the Field Day weekend the the MS 150 will be going on so the Mt Logan 2 Meter 146.72- Pl 103.5 Repeater will be disconnected from the rest of the network. So the Best repeater for going up the Canyon is the 449.625- Pl 103.5 will connect you to the Field Day site. This will only need to do this on Saturday the 22nd
We will be there a few days before Field Day all are welcome to come camp at the Field Day Site. We also really enjoy the time camping getting Antennas up in the air and making contacts setting up the Talk-in Repeaters and taking hikes. So come bring your Camping gear and have fun.
Pot Luck Dinner
We will be having a POT Luck Dinner We be at 6:00 pm on Saturday. The Club will provide a Pulled Pork, Shredded Chicken Lemonade Mix / Water. Please bring something to round out the meal. Salad, Veggies, Chips or Desserts. We are hoping to have a large crowd so please bring plenty.
Field Day Pictures–arrl-field-day–bear-lake/