March 2017 – Mini EComm Conference

At the March club meeting we had some excellent Mini Ecomm Conference presentations. The presentations were an Ecomm Trailer demo by Theo Thompson K7TWT, Grab n Go Radio Kits by Kent AD7HK and Shirley AD7HL Larsen, Medical/First Aid Grab n Go Kits by Brian Jenkins KF7UOH, Solar Power Buyer’s Guide by Chris Clement K7CTC, 72 Hour…

February 2017 – Remote Station Control

The topic for the February meeting was remote station control.  Ted McArthur (AC7II) opened by presenting on rig CAT control, software, connection types, configuring your internet connection, etc.  Ted demonstrated using his Yaesu FT-5000DX with FT-2000RC software by Brend Koch (DF3CB) over Skype. Next, Tyler Griffiths (N7UWX) presented his remote shack implementation utilizing Team Viewer, Skype, and his…