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Last Revision: 2021/11/01

of the


Article I – NAME

Section 1: The name of this organization shall be THE BRIDGERLAND AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, INC. a 501 (c) (3) Organization

Article II – PURPOSE

Section 1: The purpose of this organization shall be to unite radio amateurs in fellowship, to share and provide training in the science and art of radio, to provide training for those that would like to become licensed, and to provide service to the community especially in times of emergency. 



Section 1: All persons having a bona fide interest in amateur radio, whether licensed or not, shall be eligible for membership. 

Section 2: All memberships, unless specifically noted in this section, shall be valid for one calendar year beginning January 1 to December 31.  Membership shall be defined as one of the following:

  1. a) Individual – An individual who has submitted an application for membership and paid the appropriate dues.  
  2. b) Small Family – Four or less individuals living in the same residence who have submitted an application and paid the appropriate dues.  Small family membership is valid for one year. 
  3. c) Large Family – Five or more individuals living in the same residence who have submitted an application and paid the appropriate dues.
  4. d) Student – An individual who is enrolled in K-12 at any point during the year or enrolled as a full time college student for one semester during the year and has submitted an application for membership. 
  5. e) New Amateur Operator – An individual who does not have a valid amateur radio license and receives an amateur radio license at a club sponsored test session and has submitted an application for membership.  

Section 3: Application for membership shall be submitted to a club officer or digitally via the Club website. 

Section 4:  A member charged with conduct unbecoming a member of this lub may be expelled by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members if the Board of Directors (Board) has found the charges are sustained by its investigations. An expelled member may not reapply for membership unless approved by the Board.


Section 1: There shall be a Board of Directors which shall consist of the Officers, the immediate past President as defined in Article IV Section 5 and at least three at large Board Members. Whenever the Board of Directors determines that more at large Board Members are needed, they shall be elected per Article V and Article XII.

Section 2: The Officers of the club shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 

Section 3: All Officers and Board members shall be members of the club in good standing. 

Section 4: Any person elected to the office of President shall have served at least one year as Officer or Board member of the club, whether before or after incorporation. 

Section 5: The immediate past president shall serve the subsequent year as a member of the Board. 

Section 6: Committee chairpersons of the various committees required shall be appointed by the Board. Additional members of said committees shall be appointed by the committee chairperson.



Section 1: The Officers and Board members of the club shall be elected for the term of one (1) year and until such time as their successors shall have been elected and take office. Newly elected Officers and Board members shall take office the first day of January of the next year. 

Section 2: The President shall appoint a nominating committee of three (3) members, at least one (1) of whom shall be a member of the Board. They will present their list of nominations by notification as specified in Article XII Section 6. 

Section 3: Election of Officers and Board members shall be held at the November Club meeting. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. Those receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected. 

Section 4: Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by a special election at a general meeting after which the withdrawal or resignation is made known. Nominations for replacement shall be made by the Board. Nominations shall also be accepted from the floor. Voting shall be conducted per Article XII and the person receiving the largest number of votes will be the new Officer. The newly elected Officer shall take office immediately. 

Section 5: Officers and Board members may be removed by a petition signed by at least ten (10) members and upheld by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote. 


Section 1: The Board shall be the governing body of the Club and as such shall formulate and be responsible for all matters of policy. Decisions of the Board shall be reached upon majority vote; and thereupon the President shall execute the decisions so made or the policies so formed. 

Section 2: The newly elected President shall call an organizational meeting of the old and new Officers and Board members within 30 days of the election meeting. 

Section 3: The President shall preside at all meetings of this Club; shall enforce due observance of the by-laws; shall decide all questions of order; shall sign all official documents that are adopted by the Club; and shall perform all customary duties pertaining to the office of President. 

Section 4: The Vice-President shall possess all the powers and assume all duties of the President in the event of the absence, disability, refusal, or failure to act, of the President. The Vice-President shall further assist the President in all functions of that office and shall perform such other duties as are properly assigned by the Board. 

Section 5: The Secretary shall countersign all deeds, leases, and conveyances executed by the corporation; shall keep a record of all proceedings of all meetings; keep a roll of members and the current status of these members; shall keep a roll of members present at meetings; accept applications for membership; keep a copy of the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws present at all meetings; carry on all correspondence; read communications received at each regular meeting, and give notice of all meetings. 

Section 6: The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all club funds, including dues from members; shall keep an accurate record of all such transactions; and shall give a financial report to the Board and members upon request. 

Section 7: A Board Member At Large is a voting member of the Board of Directors. Board Members will be assigned a task fitting their expertise, join in the discussions of the board to help with furthering the operation and growth of the organization. The board members as a whole will join in deciding the appropriate assignments of the board members each year.

Section 8: Newsletter Editor is also a voting member of the Board. The Newsletter Editor is encouraged to be present at Board Meetings to let the Board know of any issues and to keep up with news that needs to be added to the newsletter.



Section 1: The Board will schedule general Club meetings, and other meetings and activities organized to meet the interests and needs of the Club. The Club website will contain a schedule of these meetings. 

Section 2: Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by the President, provided the entire Club membership is notified in writing of such special meeting ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Notification may be done per Article XII, Section 6. The President shall be required to call a special meeting upon receipt of a written request signed by ten (10) or more members. 

Section 2: Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by the President, provided the entire Club membership is notified at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. Notification may be done per Article XII, Section 6. The President shall be required to call a special meeting upon receipt of a request signed by ten (10) or more members.

Section 3: The Board shall meet in a general or special meeting in order to transact business. The Board shall normally meet once a month. All meetings of the Board shall require ten (10) days notice to the Board members. 

Section 3: The Board shall meet in a general or special meeting in order to transact business. The Board shall normally meet once a month on the last Thursday of that month. If this meeting time or date is to be altered the meetings of the Board shall require ten (10) days notice to the Board members. 

Section 4: All meetings of the Board shall be open to all Club members. 

Article VIII – DUES

Section 1: The annual dues will be recommended by the Board and approved by the members. The dues year shall be January 1 to December 31. Membership applications from individuals who submit an application in the months of October, November, or December shall be valid until December 31 of the following year.  The Board has the authority to accept dues paid from any valuable consideration. 

Section 2: The Board will determine appropriate amounts for dues for each of the following Membership types specified in Article III: Individual, Small Family, Large Family, Student, or New Amateur Operator.



Section 1: The By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at a general meeting, providing that members shall have been notified per Article XII, Section 6. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing to a Club Officer. 


Article X –RULES

Section 1: Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern Board Meetings and Elections of this Club.



Section 1: The Board shall give an annual report to the members on the activities of the Club with a financial report including the receipt and disbursement of Club funds. The Board shall present an annual budget after receiving input from committee members and members at large. The members shall vote upon said budget within the guidelines of said budget according to Article XII Section 2. A vote of the members will not have to be given again unless the budget is changed materially or exceeded in total. 



Section 1: Only members in good standing shall be entitled to vote. 

Section 2: All voting shall be by majority vote of the members present, unless specially stated otherwise in these articles. 

Section 3: Voting for the election of the Board and Officers; expulsion of a member; Board member or Officer; adoption or amendments of the By-laws; approval of the annual budget and dues; and other issues as designated by the Board shall be conducted as stated below in Section 4 through 6. 

Section 4: Voting on matters specified in Section 3 of this Article shall be by secret ballot of members in attendance and by member’s Proxies. A nominee for Board and Officers who runs unopposed may be elected by acclamation. 

Section 5: A Proxy shall be included with the notification as specified in Section 6 below. Proxies may be given to a Club Officer or any other member by mail or in person. Proxies may be specific or general. The form of the proxies, ballots and balloting procedures shall be determined by the Board. 

Section 6: Notification to members of the subject matter of any vote to be taken shall be by publication in the OHM TOWN NEWS. This notification will include a sample ballot and will appear in the issue emailed prior to the meeting in which the voting is to be done. The notification will include the time, date and place of the meeting in which the vote will be taken. The notification shall be sent no later than seven (7) days prior to the scheduled meeting date.

Section 7: Absentee Ballots: Section 6 specifies the sample ballot will be in the OHM TOWN NEWS. That ballot can be used for an Absentee Ballot and is to be delivered to a Club Board Member or sent to the Club’s official mailing address: BARC, P.O. Box 111, Providence, UT 84332 to arrive no later than the day before the election. Note: Nominations taken from the floor on the day of the election will not be on the Absentee Ballot.