The purpose of BARC is to advance general interest and welfare of amateur radio, to promote radio knowledge, cooperation and exchange of information between members, and to provide public services support for community activities. We are open to anyone who has an interest in amateur radio. You do not need to be a licensed radio operator to join.
Membership grants you voting rights, early access to our monthly newsletter, and knowledge that you are supporting an organization of dedicated individuals who work to keep our repeater systems and club station on the air. Club dues and other donations are used for activities and equipment maintenance and repair.
Club dues are accepted at any time during the calendar year. If you are an active member and renew prior to expiration of your membership (before Jan 1st) your dues will automatically be applied to the following year.
First time club members who pay for a membership between Oct 1st and the end of the year will automatically have their membership extended through the following year.
NOTE: To ensure uninterrupted delivery of our monthly newsletter, please renew your membership prior to January 1st for the following year.
Additional benefits of membership include:
- A repeater system that covers northern Utah from Bear Lake to Salt Lake Valley.
- Public service events where you can practice your radio skills in a fun learning environment.
- Club meetings, which provide opportunity to meet and learn from other amateur radio operators.
- Social activities where members can make friends and interact with other members.
Membership is annual from January 1st through December 31st.
Membership Types
*All membership types carry the same benefits, the only difference is cost.
Inaugural Membership – Pro rated dues are available for first time (inaugural) club members. Please contact one of the club officers for pricing details if you wish to take advantage of this offer.
Contact Us – Have questions about membership, paying dues online, or amateur radio in general? Contact us at
If you would like to make a donation to the club beyond paying your club dues you can do that at this link.