November 2018 – Elections, FT8 & Civil Air Patrol

The November 2018 club meeting featured Kent (AD7HK) and Chris (K7CTC) presenting on the ever popular digital mode FT8 with focus on the WSJT-X software by Joe Taylor (K1JT).  Additionally, Jody (KC7CVI) gave a brief presentation regarding the Civil Air Patrol.  Also, elections were held for the 2019 Board of Directors.

Election Results:

President: Ted McArthur (AC7II)
Vice President: Tyler Griffiths (N7UWX)
Secretary: Tammy Stevens (N7YTO)
Treasurer: Kevin Reeve (N7RXE)

Board Members:
Richard Elwood (KE7GYD)
Chris Clement (K7CTC)
Stan Laughlin (KG7LBP)
Cordell Smart (KE7IK)

Many thanks to the BARC Elections Committee:
Chris Clement (K7CTC)
Tyler Gardner (KI7ODK)
Jason Peterson (KG7YKZ)


Amateur Radio Digital Modes JT65, JT9 and FT8 by Kent Larsen (AD7HK)

WSJT-X Homepage:

WSJT-X User Manual: