January 2018 – Antenna Analyzers

Many thanks to our presenters (Bill, Cordell & Tyler) for teaching us all a little something about antenna analyzers.  We had a great turn out for our first club meeting of 2018 and we thank all those who attended for your fellowship.

A few items of note from the meeting was the big announcement of a new club radio and a new antenna available from the club store.  As Ted stated during the meeting, a decision was made by the 2017 board of directors to invest in a new club radio.  The day has finally arrived and, drum roll, we now have a shiny new ICOM IC-7610!  We hope new rig will provide many years of on-air fun and enjoyment for our members.  For those who are interested, CLICK HERE to view the product page on ICOM’s site.

Also, Kevin announced availability of a new antenna from the club store, the TRAM 11861.  It is a dual band mag mount and the price is currently set at $32.  The price being the big news as we sold the whip and the NMO mag mount separately before and the price was much higher for the pair.  Now, the antenna is available as a single package.  Specs to follow:

TRAM 11861 Amateur Dual-Band Hi-Gain Hi-Power Magnet Antenna
2.4dBd gain on 144MHz-148MHz, 1/2 wave
5dBd gain on 440MHz-450MHz, 5/8 over 5/8 wave
Factory Tuned
180W power rating
Quality 1-piece coil & 3 1/2″ magnet housing
Total height: 37″
Black, chrome-plated stainless steel whip
15ft low-loss RG58 cable with PL-259

In 2017, we started the practice of showing announcement slides prior to the beginning of the meeting.  In 2018, I will start attaching those slides to these meeting posts so that they are available for reference by everyone, including those unable to attend the meeting.  With that said, CLICK HERE for the announcement slides.  While on the topic, if you have an amateur radio announcement you would like included, please contact a club officer and we’ll add it.





MFJ-269C Manual